Toy Train (going down)

City: Shimla to Kalka, India
Weather: 68°, sunny
Site: Toy Train through Himalayas
Activity: Playing with monkey, enjoying the scenery

On the he return journey down from Shimla, we opted for the multi car, no class passenger train. It cost us less than a dollar each. That monkey climbed aboard at the station hunting for food. It was more than a bit domesticated so it was the first and only monkey on this trip that let us pet it. I was in love, obviously. The trip took 3 extra hours because it stopped at every single station… But it was worth it!

UNESCO protected Toy Train from Shimla to Kalka. Beautiful bridges and tunnels along the way.
UNESCO protected Toy Train from Shimla to Kalka. Beautiful bridges and tunnels along the way.


Alex is over the scenary and reading his murder mystery…


A semi-domesticated monkey gets on the train every day and takes food. She actually let us pet her and touch her soft, little hands. Shimla, India
A semi-domesticated monkey gets on the train every day and takes food. She actually let us pet her and touch her soft, little hands. Shimla, India


View of train station at Shimla, India


Man hanging out of the train enjoying the view.


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