Aggressive Monkey Temple

City: Jaipur, India
Weather: 90°, cloudy
Site: Galtaji
Activity: Feeding bananas to monkeys and Alex


Before India I loved the idea of owning a pet monkey or just hanging around them. Not anymore. They are gross, aggressive, and really michiveous. Also they poop on this nice temple.

Creepy monkey in front of “Monkey Temple” Jaipur, India.


Galtaji or Monkey Temple in Jaipur, India.
Galtaji or Monkey Temple in Jaipur, India.


Holy man giving blessings for money…


Hindus bathing in the holy waters at Galtaji.


A monkey about to attack Alex for the rest of his banana. Those things aren't messing around.
A monkey about to attack Alex for the rest of his banana. Those things aren’t messing around.


About Alex

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